Monday, May 31, 2021



Everyone is always looking for a great deal. There’s something really satisfying about not paying full price when all the other suckers do. Right? Discounts are the way to go, SALES, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, End of the Season, etc. If you’re trying to get tradelines for sale, the most important thing to know is your budget. How much are you willing to spend? What do you get if you say “Money is no object?” vs “I need to buy cheap tradelines.” 


Note: If you say “What’s your cheapest tradeline?” it’s a dead giveaway that you aren’t too concerned with actually getting your credit fixed.


Okay, so there’s a range of prices, but what are you getting at the extremes: expensive vs. cheap?


Cheap Tradelines.


There’s a very famous capitalistic saying, “You get what you pay for.” Now, with tradelines, this is usually quite true. In a real-world scenario, if a person has a fair number of accounts: auto loans, mortgages, student loans, credit cards…that creates a lot of history. The more accounts you have, the harder it is to raise the average history (a major factor in your overall score). 

Let’s say we add our (currently) cheapest line:


A $2.5K TD Bank with 2 years 6 months


Example: 10 open accounts, average history 3.5 years.

For a little quick math, to show how the average is produced, we take 3.5 X 10 = 35.

There are 35 years of total history with all those open accounts added together. 

The average is figured by dividing that total number of years, with the number of accounts, which gives us 3.5 years.


So let’s take that TD Bank and add it to this profile. 35 + 2.6 = 37.6 total years now, then 37.6 ÷ 11 (now we need to add in the extra account) = 3.42


In this example, the TD Bank actually lowered the average history.



But…that doesn’t mean cheap tradelines for sale are never a good idea! 


If we take that same line, and put it on a blank profile, then the average history, usage, and payment history of that TD Bank becomes those categories. So: 


Average history: 2.6 years

Utilization: whatever is on the line, let’s say $5, so .002%

Payment History: Perfect


On a blank profile, this card will generate very good scores.


So, we see that you don’t always want to buy tradelines cheap, but there are great scenarios where they are warranted: blank credit profiles, profiles with very young average history, profiles with only a few new accounts, etc


Expensive Tradelines – Best Tradelines for Sale?


Just because a tradeline is very expensive, doesn’t mean it’s the best one for you

We get people asking all the time, “What is the line that will give me the best score?” 

If you put the most expensive line on, you will get the best results, but that doesn’t mean you need that line. Adding Authorized User Trade lines is not an exact science. 

That said, if you put the biggest history we have (currently a 42 year old line), then your history will be very impacted. 


If money really were no object, and your goal was BOOST CREDIT SCORE NOW! This line would be the best. But in most cases, it’s overkill. You only need an average history of 7 years to be in the excellent range.


Conclusion: Credit Tradelines For Sale = Unique Opportunity Dependent on Individual


Your credit report is as unique as you are. It’s your financial DNA. If you’ve been alive for a bit, you could probably look at your reports and smile (or grimace) at the memories it brings up. 

We always offer to look at your reports to tell you what is best for you. Will that mean tradelines for cheap


 It also depends on how badly you want to get great credit. If you go the traditional routes, it may take a fair bit, 6 months to a year, or longer, to get those great scores. Authorized user accounts for sale give you that one thing no one can ever really sell you: time. 

      If you need more than a single line, then your budget should be somewhere between $700 upwards.If you need just one, then you could be looking in the under $500 range. How much is getting what you want done, and quickly…worth to you?






Tradelines, those magical things that can turn your lowdown, slimy frog of a credit score into a princely number worthy of the best rates on whatever it is you would want to get lending on. But how do you get them? Are you trying to find out how to add tradelines to your credit report yourself?, or are you well in your search and believe you must pay to add tradelines to your report? First off, can you add them yourself? Not really, not unless you get approved for cards in your name. That is the only way you can add them yourself. If you have a friend or a relative or a spouse who has a credit card, can they add you? Yes, they can, but you want to be very careful with this. Most people with credit cards use them fairly frequently, so you run the risk at any time of that tradeline being overutilized, which can drop your credit faster than a torpedo impacting on a submarine at depth, and if there is a single missed payment on that card? Same thing.

Same thing. New accounts lessen your average history, the lower your average history, the lower your scores. If you only have a few accounts open, then you’re back being the aforementioned submarine and its torpedo nemesis.

But, we have good news, we can tell you how to add tradelines yourself to your credit report. And that is to get with a company you can trust that has contracts in place with people who rent out their credit history. Because let’s face it, can you trust your friends, your family, your spouse? Sure, we hope so at least, but even people we trust and love make mistakes, and those mistakes can cost us. What is more trustworthy is people who handle business, and nobody is more motivated to keep things straight than people who get paid for it. We cover this all the time, but companies with tradelines for sale are really the best way to add data to your report that doesn’t actually belong to you, but which kind of tradelines should you add? Some companies have primary lines, with mortgage tradelines, auto tradelines for sale.

 These are the tradelines we utilize and have had success with for over ten years now. We have customers that have gotten mortgages, bought cars, achieved high limit credit credit cards on their first applications. Are these results rare? They are not. If you have a solid game plan with tradelines you can achieve similar results, and having a solid game plan starts with realizing what it is exactly that tradelines can do.

When you apply for credit there are two factors: your credit score, and your income. If you have a perfect 800 score but make $10,000 a year, you likely won’t be buying a home or a car any time soon. If you make $95,000 a year but have a 450 credit score across all three bureaus, you won’t be getting any approvals either. The income part is up to you, but the credit part we can help with.

The first thing to do is to prepare your reports for the tradelines. Have you ever seen an Olympic runner before a race? What are they doing? Are they sitting still drinking milk and eating cookies? No, they are stretching, they are warming up. Preparation is a huge part of doing anything right, and so must your reports be prepared for the tradelines. This means cleaning the negatives off, and when that is done, the reports are ready for tradelines to be added. Once the tradelines go on, your scores will rocket up if you’ve done everything right. We see jumps of over 150 points every time. Are those common? Perhaps not exceptionally so, but the lower the scores, the more room they have to jump.

Anything above a 760 does not matter for getting the best rates.

These are scores that everyone would want, but unless you want to brag to your friends at the bar, or you are trying to boast to that girl or boy you’re trying to impress, above 760 won’t be anything but bragging rights. And…just in case you’re wondering how to get that score, because we get people who tell us they want an 800 (or better) score all the time, WE CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR MARK.

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